
Roasted Coriander, parsley and rosmary kale chips

Roasted Coriander, parsley and rosmary kale chips

Move over spinach because there is a new superfood in town !! Please welcome Kale 😀 This is a recipe for a home made delicious healthy kale chips!

A bunch of kale
1 tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil ( or you can use rice bran oil )
3 stalks of rosemary ( leave whole or crush up )
1/3 cup chopped fresh parsley
( For these herbs if you can…fresh is better. Otherwise the dried rosemary/parsley from local shops if perfectly fine, just watch that there is no added salt)
4 tablespoons of grounded Coriander
1 teaspoon salt
2 Tablespoon of grounded pepper

Step 0 : Tear up the kale ( make sure the you cute out the stalk in the middle of the giant leaves!)
Step1: drizzle the oil on top
Step 2: place the rosemary stalks and the parsley
Step3: Add the salt and Coriander and pepper
Step4 : BAKE for 10 -15min at 200 degrees Celsius or until golden and crispy ( but keep watching it because its easy to burn it)

Xx Healthyrunningtwins

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